As a customer accountant, the invoice indicators that appear on my dashboard are:
% of electronic customer invoices: Percentage of outgoing electronic invoices (EDI, Signed, Audit Trail) among invoices issued by legal entities for which the user has authorisations over the period defined by the user.
Customer invoices Being processed: Total number of outgoing invoices currently being processed among the Customer invoices of the legal entities for which the user has authorisations over the period defined by the user (archiving in progress, workflow, Signature in progress and Clearance in progress).
Issued invoices: Total number of outgoing invoices issued by legal entities for which the user has authorisations over the period defined by the user.
Customer invoices Irregularity: Number of irregular customer invoices (in "Non-compliant", "Rejected at Clearance" and "Repeated" status) among the Customer invoices issued by legal entities for which the user has authorisations over the period defined by the user
Customer invoices Savings: Average cost of savings in euros made on outgoing electronic invoices (EDI, Signed, Audit Trail) among Customer invoices issued by legal entities for which the user has authorisations over the period defined by the user. (Source Billentis 2016)
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